THE ART OF ALLOWING - Tips for an artist

New print, coming soon!

I wanted to share a recent realisation I had relating to the idea of 'being ready to receive'

I was listening to Abraham Hicks, an inspirational speaker, who discusses lots of ideas around the law of attraction. She usually discusses these ideas in a conversation with somebody asking a question they have regarding their own situation. One person had said "I want my business to expand and to be really successful" and she replied "yes, but are you ready to receive"

I thought about it for a while and how that comment applied to my own practice.

There is a distinct difference between hoping something will happen, and really knowing something will happen. In some respects 'hoping' can seem a rather passive approach, whereas 'knowing' has so much more power behind it. 

I thought to myself If I truly knew what I desired was definitely going to happen, I would have all the necessary tools in place to receive. 

For example, I've finished a new series of artwork. I imagined them selling, but, at the same time, focused on the many hurdles (that need not be hurdles, but that's another blog post!) like: Where will I store them? shall I print on demand? I don't drive yet, how will I pick them up? Is this cost effective?

So, if this sort of chatter is going on it's a massive block on the energy that creates excitement and motivation.
They could indeed be valid questions to ask, however, when there is acceptance around these problems without allowing the solutions to take a front seat, the message I'm giving to the universe is 'This is all a bit of a hassle!' 

So, If I really believed they were going to sell, felt it, knew it. I would've had a stack of stock ready to go...but I realised, I didn't. Clearly my actions were not in alignment with an energy of being 'ready to receive' 

Every time a sale comes in am I feeling excitement and gratitude? Have I got everything in place to make this easy for myself, like, all the necessary packaging equipment, the artwork itself, and most importantly, the belief in the work? It's good to work, and it will sell. This was a bit of a lesson.
Now, if you're an artist wanting to sell your work these are some helpful tips that have helped me.

1. - Get clear on your desire.

What is your goal? Write this down. The act of writing it down can really help fine-tune what you want and give yourself clarity. You might find your desire changes a bit and that's okay. The clearer you are on what you want, the easier it will be to make it happen. 

2.- Create work that you love

When you get that impulsive feeling and genuinely want to create the work, it will be your best stuff. The energy you put into it shows in the artwork. You'll have an audience that loves what you do, you just have to find them.

3.- Work out your hurdles

Thrash this out a little. You know when you have your desire, it's a great idea, then your inspiration dwindles. Why is that? The internal chatter that is a bit fearful is talking you out of it and placing a few hurdles in your path.
Again, write this down. Write a list of all your concerns. e.g.

  • Printing is costly.

  • I might not make a profit.

  • What if it doesn't sell....etc

Give yourself free rein to write all these fears down in a list. Then make another column next to it and reach for a solution for everything on the list, or reach for a thought that feels better. e.g

  • I can invest in myself. The cost is worth it to create good quality work I'm proud of.

  • I can adjust my prices as I grow, it's all a learning curve.

  • There is an audience that will love what I do, I will find them in time.

You get the idea. Look at this list every time a new doubt creeps in. It's totally normal to have these fears, it's just a matter of practice to handle that fear in a different and more helpful way. You can add to the list and add new solutions each time. I would recommend sticking this up on a wall in your studio so you can see it. 

4.- Make it easy for yourself

Get ready to receive your desire and tackle those hurdles head-on! Change the hoping to knowing. Start making small actions every day that support your desire. So, for me it was to:
Get a plan chest to store my artwork in.
Run regular promotions on social media to let people know what stock I have available.
Invest in a printer and create my own prints
Order packaging in advance and create a system that is efficient and works

Also, Don't give up! Own new energy that shows up every day and matches your desire.
Don't forget to notice your progress. Most importantly, ENJOY THE JOURNEY! It's often more rewarding than the outcome!